
Bake Along #129 – Orange Truffles


Bake Along #129 – Orange Truffles

Orange is my favorite flavor. As a child, I used to crave orange in chocolate form. My favorite cream biscuit is orange . So these truffles were in my wish list for a really long time and finally here and accomplished.

These are pretty much simple to make. Nothing really complicated and it comes together so well. The flavor comes from a good quality orange extract. If you can find some natural orange extract that would give you a great flavor. If you are not able to find natural extracts, you can settle with the artificial essences but ensure they have the right flavor that you are looking for. Few essences have an awful after taste which I find it difficult to tolerate.

I have rolled the truffles, few of them in icing sugar and few I have left plain. I started rolling them after 30 minutes of freeze time and immediately out of the freezer. They were holding together very easily and rolling them into balls were a breeze.

I just couldn’t resist until I had to finish taking the photographs and they were melting in the mouth like crazy. They are almost over by the time I am writing this here. My daughter has saved a few to share it with her friends because she is really excited about how these tasted. One of the most simplest to put together, those that look very cute, melt in your mouth and taste totally orangy

Recipe source: Deliciouslyyum


  • Butter – 50 gms
  • Dairy fresh cream – 3 tablespoons
  • White chocolate – 170 gms, grated
  • Orange zest – 1 teaspoon ( I haven’t used)
  • Orange extract – 1 teaspoon
  • Orange food colour – 5 to 7 drops, adjust
  • Icing sugar – 1/4 c


1. Add the butter and cream in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Add orange zest in here, if using.

2. Bring it on fire on medium heat and keep stirring until butter is melted and combines well with the cream. It is fine if it looks curdled. It will come together at the end.

3. Add the extract and mix well.

4. Add orange food colour and mix well again.

6. Add the mixture hot onto the grated white chocolate.

7. Fold it gently and leave it for 1 to 2 minutes.

8. Mix it with a wire whisk until the chocolate will melt and combine well together. You can double boil it again or microwave if it wont come together or if you have chocolate that is not fully melted. Cover with cling wrap and freeze
it for 1 to 2 hours.

9. Remove from freezer and start scooping it with a teaspoon. Give it a simple knead and make a ball out of it.

10. Coat each ball in the icing sugar. Leave few plain as per your liking.

11. Complete the same with the rest of the truffle mixture.

Store them in the fridge and also serve them from the fridge. If you like them soft, let them thaw down in room temperature for about 15 minutes.

You can use the same idea to make different flavored truffles, by changing the extract and its corresponding colour. These are great as return gifts and will also add as an attractive element in bake sales.